Harry Herbert’s Adventure follows the exciting tale of a young boat. It is illustrated by Malcolm Fraser, who lives in Wedhampton. “The inspiration for Harry Herbert’s Adventure came as a result of my husband’s great love of sailing,” explained Ann. “We always used to sail with the children and friends in Cornwall, and then when we moved to Maidenhead. “Many years later we found ourselves here in Wiltshire and bought ourselves a cruiser for the canal, which led to some lovely memories. “I have four great-grandchildren now and my books are inspired by tales for them. “This one is about a little boat called Harry Herbert, who thinks he’d like to go out and enjoy the world. The marina he is in is full of lazy big barges, so he pulls on the rope and there’s a little give – so off he goes.” Ann’s previous book, Robin Helps the Bee, was illustrated by Sophie Gibb and was popular with young families near and far. Mrs Blunden sent a copy to David Attenborough who replied with a handwritten note. In it, he wrote: “It is very kind of you to send in a copy of your book. I wish you great success.” A copy of Harry Herbert’s Adventure will now been sent to the Queen. Ann hopes that she will read it to her great-grandchildren!